Oklahoma state
Playname : Zone offense (1)

Oklahoma State Zone Offense

#1 passes to #2 on the right wing. The post player, #5, steps out to the right corner to receive the next pass from #2 if he is open. #4 slides over to the low post to replace #5.

Oklahoma State Zone Offense

#5 reversed the ball to #2 who passes to #1 on top. #4 steps out and back screens the defender nearest #5. #5 cuts over the top and into the middle of the lane looking for an open area and a post entry pass from #1.

Oklahoma State Zone Offense

The ball is reversed on top to #3 on the left wing while #5 steps out to the left wing. #4 follows the ball across to the low block. He may flash from time to time in the open area in the lane near the high post if it is open to receive the pass. #3 can hit #5 in the corner if he is open.

Oklahoma State Zone Offense

The ball is passed back to #3 and the screening action from #4 and #5 is repeated. #1 now looks inside to #5.

Oklahoma State Zone Offense

After a few swings of the ball, look for the post players to step out and set perimeter screens for the ballhandler.

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