Chicken soop
Playname : Ucla

UCLA (set play vs. man defense)

I like this play because we can get several different looks from it utilizing different players with no additional play calls.

We start out in a 1 - 4 high alignment.

#1 can enter to either side. Here we see #1 passing to #2 on the right wing. #1 cuts to the basket off the back screen from #5. #5 pops out to the perimeter after screening.

#3 and #4 start to move down to the opposite block to set a double screen.

UCLA (set play vs. man defense)

#2 then passes to #5 on top.

(teaching point: it is important that #5 makes an effort to screen #1's defender as he cuts to the right low block. This will force #5's defender to step back a bit and help on the cut, leaving #5 open to step out and receive the pass).

Once #5 has the ball, #2 moves down to set a single screen on the right low block area. #3 and #4 have the double set up on the other block. #1 takes his man into the middle of the lane and will make a quick fake in one direction and come out the opposite side either off the double or single screen.

UCLA (set play vs. man defense)

If #1 comes off the double, #3 will come off the single screen from #2 on the right side. #5 has another option now should #1 not be open.

#4 will duck in the post after #1 comes off the double screen and will look for a post entry pass from either #1 or #5.

UCLA (set play vs. man defense)

If #1 decides to use the single screen on the right low block area, #2 would then cut across the lane and come off the double screen on the opposite side.

UCLA (set play vs. man defense)

Another option to get into this play is for the point guard to dribble at the wing. #2 reads this and slides down to the right low block area.

#5 steps out as if the ball had been passed to the wing as in the previous diagrams.

UCLA (set play vs. man defense)

#1 passes to #5 on top and now #2 becomes the man coming off the double or single screens.

UCLA (set play vs. man defense)

Our last option on this play is for the wing player to call over the post player for a screen and roll.

If this happens, #2 must wait for the screen and roll to start. As #1 comes over the screen, #2 comes off the double screen on the other side.

#4, recognizing the screen and roll, will flash to the high post to clear out his weakside defender and become a passer to #5. #1 can hit #2 coming off the double or #5 rolling to the basket either directly or by passing to the flashing man #4 and then he drops the ball off to #5.

Some nice options with the ability to put different playes into the action without having to call new set plays each time.

This page was made with Basketball playbook from Jes-Soft